哈尔滨医科大学组织了“同庆新春 共话年味”来华留学生喜迎新春活动,学校18名来华留学生代表欢聚一堂,一起学剪纸、写春联,共同体验中国传统文化。活动现场透着浓浓春意,新春的气息扑面而来,留学生们感受到了中国人对新的一年的美好祝福。来尼泊尔的小帅说:“我喜欢中国传统文化,也喜欢剪纸和写春联,祝福中国人新春快乐!”
Harbin Medical University organized an activity to celebrate the Chinese New Year, in which 18 international students from Harbin Medical University gathered together to learn paper-cutting, write Spring Festival couplets and experience traditional Chinese culture. The event was full of the smell of spring, and the international students felt the Chinese people's good wishes for the New Year. To Nepal's small handsome said: "I like traditional Chinese culture, also like paper-cutting and writing Spring Festival couplets, wish Chinese people a happy New Year!"
During the winter vacation, in order to ensure the safety and success of international students in the winter vacation, the school has prepared a New Year gift package for each international student in China. Teachers from the School of International Education sent anti-epidemic supplies to students who did not live off campus. During the New Year, the school arranged a variety of activities, in addition to experience the traditional Chinese culture, but also arranged sports, cultural related activities, so that they can understand the Chinese culture at the same time to keep healthy. On the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, the study and life of international students during the holidays will be guaranteed.